
Celebrating our Striped Friends


On January 31st of every year, we celebrate International Zebra Day.

Unfortunately, with the increasing development of human populations and the reduction of natural habitats, these gentle creatures have become threatened. The endangerment of their habitats poses a significant risk to their survival.

This day is dedicated to raising awareness of the endangered status of zebras and encouraging people to do their part in conserving this animal. They are easily identified by their black and white stripes, which make them a unique and majestic animal species.

Zebras are exclusively herbivores, consuming only vegetation. They possess a specialized digestive system that helps them absorb nutrients from tough plant matter, such as grasses. An intriguing fact about zebras is that they can survive for extended periods without water as they obtain moisture from their food. Nevertheless, when water is available, zebras will drink frequently to maintain their hydration levels, as they require significant amounts of water for survival.

Photo Credits | Stefan Breuer

A few fun facts:

Zebras' stripes are not just for looks. These animals have evolved to use their stripes to confuse predators and biting insects, and to regulate their body heat. Interestingly, each zebra's stripes are unique, which may also serve a social purpose by helping them recognize one another.

Zebras are social animals that live in herds. During migration to new feeding grounds, they may form "super herds" of thousands of individuals. Zebras often team up with other grazers, such as antelope and wildebeest, on their travels.

Zebras can snooze standing up, this means they can subconsciously lock their knees into position and doze without worrying about falling over. This adaptation has many benefits: it ensures the zebras are alert to predators and can escape quickly if threatened. However, to achieve deep sleep, zebras do need to lie down.

To defend themselves from predators, including lions, leopards, hyenas, and cheetahs, zebras use their strong social bonds and fighting skills. When threatened, they form a semi-circle facing the attacker and prepare to strike if necessary. If one of the group is injured, other zebras will circle around and try to fend off the attacker. The zebras' motto is "all for one and one for all!"

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